Wright Way Roofing & Construction

You can rest assured when you come to Wright Way Roofing & Construction for any of your home remodeling, repair, or maintenance needs, the work will be done the “Wright Way” every time! We strive to provide high-quality products, the best customer service, and the experience required to handle any of your home repair needs.

As a full-service roofing and construction company, we go above and beyond to ensure you are comfortable with our plans, happy with our materials, and have faith we will handle your home or business with the compassion and attention to detail it deserves.

A small leak, a total remodel, or a new roof, we got you covered and ensure your job is completed with the best products, the best attitude, and the best quality available. When you put your home or business into our hands, you can rest assured it will be completed the “Wright Way”!

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What we offer



Full-Service Remodeling in Oklahoma City and Surrounding Areas. Does your home need a facelift? Have you been putting off needed renovations or repairs? At Wright Way Roofing & Construction …


The Best Roofing Services In Oklahoma City and Surrounding Areas. Your roof is your home protection from the elements, and when it is not up to the job, you can rest assured that we are! Minor leaks, …


Gutter Services in Oklahoma City and Surrounding Areas. If you have clogged gutters or gutters that are damaged, you could have standing water on your roof or landscape. Standing water can damage …
After roof cleaning project


Roofing Done The Wright Way In Oklahoma City and Surrounding Areas

Oklahoma weather can be unforgiving, and when you purchase a new home, have a damaged roof, or have experienced damage from a storm, chances are mother nature will not take a break just because you need it too.

Wright Way Roofing & Construction is here when you need us. Emergency repairs, a full roof restoration, damaged areas, and even the smallest leak, your priorities are our priorities, and we want you to be assured that the next spring rain, the next windy day, or the next hot night, your roof will do its job! We take care of issues once and for all, so your roof and your home are in the best shape possible to protect what you love most!

Our Roofing Services Include;

When it comes to your roof, don’t take a chance and call us today!


Full-Service Remodeling in Oklahoma City and Surrounding Areas

At Wright Way Roofing & Construction LLC, we value your property and your time. Whether it is a beloved family heirloom that needs to be updated, a new home with storm damage, or anything in between. We access the situation, hear your needs, give you an accurate estimate, and handle each job with professionalism and passion in everything we do.

Our Remodeling Services include;

Make sure your home or business is in the “Wright” hands! Call us for a virtual consultation today!

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We offer free inspections, estimates, and consultations, so you are comfortable with our services, professionalism, and knowledge before proceeding with a job.

You are kept up to date and informed every step of the way. We know putting your home or business in the hands of someone else can be stressful, and we work to ensure you are 100% satisfied and included in the job with every step we take.

Wright Way Roofing & Construction LLC provides the best service in our area. Not only because we use high-quality products and materials, but because we approach every job with the customers’ needs and expectations in mind, along with 10 years of experience backing every step we make.


Do you have questions for us? Do you need more details about any of our services? Would you like to find out more about our pricing? Call us today at 405-402-5075 and we’ll help you out. Find out today what we can do for you.

Years Experience
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We bring you 10 years of experience in our industry, 10 years of trial and error, 10 years of maintenance, and 10 years of lasting relationships with our customers. 

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